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Official Website of Alexandrea Still, a person, surely...

Writer. Podcaster. Thinker. Do-er. Possible Ancient Entity. Has Never Actually Been Seen In Real Life, So No One Can Really Say. Controls Things. A Woman? *shrugging noise*

Home: Welcome


A nice Midwestern person

Hello, welcome! I'm a Midwestern person who enjoys making up stories and writing them down, I'm currently writing a couple of novels, and I will always be currently writing a couple of novels like the stretches of corn and wheat fields in my beloved Midwestern person, perpetuity is the spice of life. I have a podcast and I do record sometimes when endlessly writing gets too much called Snakes On The Brain, it is available wherever you like to listen to your podcasts, and if it isn't there it will be, and if that sounds sinister, don't worry about it. That's a nice shirt you're wearing, thanks for coming, see you around!

Home: About

With Eyes To See


Deirdre, Tommie, and Angie are three normal girls, in a normal neighborhood, in a normal town outside the city. Everyone knows everyone, or knows of them and nothing out of the ordinary happens at all, and anything that might seem odd is easily explained, always.

Except Laya Tiffen went missing a year ago, and nobody heard from her until a video of her went viral in the city two nights ago, and her body was found in the church courtyard on the third morning. No one can explain, and everyone wants answers.

There's a strange cloud forming over the water treatment plant and the smell is polluting the air in the town, the lights are always on at the town mall and it's been closed for three years and when the girls see someone walk inside, they follow and find it full of people that they know and that the world that they inhabit in their town is very much wider and more frightening than they ever knew.

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Cafe Window

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves"

Henry David Thoreau

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